Ah, Musto - the home of premium (and often expensive) outdoor gear. Thankfully for our pockets, there are some great Cyber Monday Musto deals, ideal for updating your wardrobe and feeling protected against the elements in style.
Cyber Monday 2024 is here, and Amazon is not the only place to go bargain hunting. Increasingly, other brands hhave jumped on the online sales bandwagon and there are already some good Cyber Monday Musto deals available.
Unfortunately for our US readers, the Cyber Monday Musto deals are only available in the UK, so those on the hunt for Cyber Monday boating deals can check our main hub page.
We’ve also already found some good deals on Cyber Monday dry bags and Cyber Monday paddleboards, and there will undoubtably be plenty more to come.
All prices were correct when I last checked this guide on Monday, 2nd December.
Note: We may earn a commission when you buy through links on our site, at no extra cost to you. This doesn’t affect our editorial independence.
- Amazon: The home of Cyber Monday deals
- West Marine: Deals page
- Decathlon: Watersports deal page
- Bass Pro Shop: Boating deals page
- Walmart: Watersports page
- Gael Force Marine: UK Chandlery
Best Cyber Monday Musto Deals UK

Women’s Classic Musto Half-Zip Sweat, was £80.00, now £64.00
At 100% cotton, this casual half-zip sweat is breathable whilst still providing an extra warm layer. To protect against wayward onshore breezes, it has a ribbed bottom hem and cuffs for keeping in body heat. Both the navy and oat colours are very chic!

Men’s Musto 64 Channel Jacket, was £220, now £88
This retro-style jacket has a rollaway high-visibility hood and deep pockets for storing valuables safely while on the move. We haven’t tested it, although the 5,000mm waterproof rating implies it will protect you from a downpour. The versatile aesthetic allows you to use it for much more than sailing, including hiking or throwing on before nipping out in the rain.

Men’s Marina Zip-neck Sweat, was £85, now £51
As it’s 100% cotton, this sweater is an ideal breathable layer for keeping warm on outdoor adventures. The colour block design gives it a stylish edge, so you could just as easily wear it for chilling in the pub as on a blustery walk.

Women’s Marina Long Quilted Jacket, was £250.00, now £125.00
This long quilted jacket is packed with high-loft blowable insulation, meaning it’s made to keep your body warm and protect against chilly days. It comes in navy, black, or maroon,, so you can take your pick to suit your style. Whether you’re commuting to work, dropping the kids off at school, or going for a winter walk, this shower-resistant jacket would be a cosy addition.

Musto Evolution 1.5 Litre Dry Tube was £20.00, n0w £16.00
‘This bumbag-sized pack is perfect for keeping your phone, your wallet and/or a lightweight spare layer safe and dry when you’re exploring near water and the clever translucent panel means you can see what is inside and pack it and unpack the bag easily,’ says tester Sian Lewis.
‘The whole pack has a great solid construction and feels like it’d be difficult to cut or damage, so it should last for many wears. A decent strap is included and the buckle doubles up as a handle, so this dry bag is very portable.’

Men’s 64 Primaloft Jacket, was £140, now £84
Although we haven’t tested it, this jacket will keep you warm outdoors in cold weather. It has a soft layer of water-resistant insulation to keep you dry in showers. The high collar includes padding for protecting your neck against strong wind, whether onshore on a dog walk or offshore on a boat. The considerable discount also means it’s worth picking up soon to avoid a potential price hike.

Women’s Essential Full-zip Sweat, was £70.00, now £25.00
Could you update your workout wardrobe? If so, this stretchy sweatshirt would provide you with a new flexible layer for when you want to get moving. The full zip allows you to open it up if your workout is getting heated, and the chic colour is ideal for matching with other workout gear. It’s at an absolute steal of a price, too!

Sunblock Dynamic Pant, was £125.00, now £44.00
A problem with using standard leggings for sports such as sailing is that they offer little protection for your seat and knees, meaning you’ll likely pick up some bruises. The Sunblock Pant combats this with extra tough fabric in these areas, giving you padding to make the sailing experience much more comfortable. And at that price, the leggings are worth it to make your trip less achy.
Check out our other Cyber Monday deals
- Cyber Monday boating deals
- Cyber Monday paddleboards
- Cyber Monday drybags
- Cyber Monday Walmart deals
- Cyber Monday kayaks
- Cyber Monday Garmin deals
- Cyber Monday Decathlon deals
- Cyber Monday Fish Finder deals
- Cyber Monday Helly Hansen deals
- Cyber Monday Musto deals
- Cyber Monday wetsuits
- Cyber Monday Best Buy deals
- Cyber Monday binoculars
- Cyber Monday drybags
- Cyber Monday dehumidifiers
- Cyber Monday portable powerstations
Please keep checking back with Yachting World over the coming days, as we’ll be scouring the web for the best discounts and deals in the run-up to Cyber Monday.