Yachting World

Yachting World

First published in 1894, Yachting World is the leading global sailing brand, delivering the very best in cruising, racing, superyachts and adventure across a range of platforms.

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A couple of decades ago there was a rush of innovation in anchor design, but the pace of change has slowed since then. However, Quick Nautical Equipment, brand of Quick…

Wide birds-eye-voew pf a sand bank and turqoise sea.

Buying a yacht abroad is a scenario few cruisers might dare to pursue. Quite apart from the giant leap of faith required, there are very real costs associated with a…

We leave Tahiti with strong trades. Easterlies funnel along the side of the volcanic island, and Elixir tears downwind toward Mo’orea. It’s humpback season. Occasionally, behind foaming crests, we glimpse…