While just about any pair of binoculars will offer an enhanced view of the heavens, when it comes to astronomy binoculars that also perform well in a marine context, the…

Pride of ownership is a tricky quality to quantify. To many yacht owners looks will play second fiddle to pragmatics – practicality, space and affordability all rank higher (hence the…

On longer voyages, and passages with larger crews, a good watch system is essential to the efficient running of the boat. But the same watch system can also hinder good…

We all know how French solo skippers get so darn good. They move from youth sailing to Mini Transat and Figaro classes, where they drill for years. Then the lucky…

When working as a rules adviser, Bill O’Hara’s job with his sailors is to make sure they understand the rules well enough to stay out of the protest room. But…

For the coastal sailor, upwind sailing skills are critical: there’s nothing like a lee shore to focus the mind on tacking angles and leeway. For the ocean sailor the challenges…

Hosted every September in the Port of Cannes, the Cannes Yachting Festival is Europe’s biggest on-water boat show, with dozens of world premieres among the line-up. Here’s our pick of…

I didn’t expect to see it. I was on watch, on my 23rd day at sea, when the island of Mangareva appeared in the distance in front of my bow.…

In Yachting World September 2022 issue cruising guru, Jimmy Cornell brings you his guide to future-proofing you voyage planning and Nikki Henderson provides her guide to everything you need to…