A whopping 33% saving on the Quatix 7, a watch I'd buy full price? Yes indeed! What a great deal for Black Friday.
I’m a huge fan of wearable tech, though I haven’t always been. I was a sceptic until I tried some smart watches and the Quatix 7 was a real game changer for me.
You see, what I really need is a personal assistant to guide my day and keep me on track. But I can’t actually afford a real human to body double me all day every day, so the Quatix 7 is the next best thing. At $399 that’s much cheaper than a personal assistant and you’ll only need to charge it every couple of weeks!
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Garmin Quatix 7 marine smartwatch | Save 33% at Amazon
Was: $699 Now: $399
The Quatix 7 is a fantastic piece of kit for anyone who loves sport and specifically sport that involves being on and around water. But it is an all round genius wearable that allows a huge range of monitoring activities, including your health as well as practical functions to control and interact with marine tech.
Massive thumbs up on this from me, I love mine and feel undressed without it.

Garmin Quatix 7 Sapphire Edition | Save 19% at First Class Watches
Was: £899 Now: £735
This Sapphire Quatix 7 model is the same one I have been wearing for over a year now and I pair it up with a stainless steel wrist band for everyday smart wear. I absolutely love this model with its huge bright easy to read screen, contactless payments and full integration with my life on and around boats. I’d buy this at full price, so 19% off is a really decent deal for this high level model.
I’ve had my Quatix 7 for over a year now and before that a Quatix 6, as with most of the best Garmin watches, it enables you to connect to your phone for call alerts, message notifications, to control music playback, for contactless payments, for map navigation.
As someone with ADHD I need reminding to drink water and reminders for all of my meetings and appointments. I need to see certain messages that pop in and I need about 6 alarms to wake me up in a morning, but quietly by gently buzzing my wrist.
I can reject phone calls that come in directly from my Quatix 7 (because who answers a phone first ring these days?) and I can track every kind of activity I do. Coastal rowing is a passion, alongside road cycling and obviously sailing too, each one has specific metrics it can track and share via Strava.
But the Quatix 7 can also track my dance moves, so when I’m dopa-mining with some 70s disco to help me build up the resilience for my next boring task that my brain absolutely refuses to engage with (taxes anyone?) well, it tracks that too and gives me little mini rewards as the day goes on.
I have two boats and I live in two time zones. It handles that superbly and when the barometer drops too quickly, it gives me a heads up warning of a storm coming. It always has the tides for multiple regions just a glance away too. So I’m never left guessing.
I might have a brain the size of a small planet, but I do forget where I park my van at the airport, so a dropped pin and the return navigation GPS feature is also pretty neat. The MOB feature is also excellent for helping navigate back to a person or pet in the water (thankfully I’ve not needed this for anything other than training).
If you love boats, go sailing, do any kind of sporting activity, need help managing your ADHD traits or are on the autistic spectrum, a genius smart watch like this can be an absolute game changer for you.
For the next few days I’m keeping a very close eye on the Black Friday deals and will let you all know when more great Black Friday Garmin watch deals arrive.
Still not sure if this is the right Black Friday Garmin watch deal for you? Read Fox’s full review of the Garmin Quatix 7 Sapphire on yachtingmonthly.com