Preview: January 2000

Andrew Preece talks to Peter Harrison, the man who has stumped up £10 million to back a British America's Cup contender.

Neck and neck to the finish

Four yachts finish leg two of the BT Global Challenge this morning within hours of each other - and others are match racing after 6,000 miles of sailing

Duel at dawn

Quadstone beats BP over the line after a day-long tacking duel - now the crew face a nervous wait to see if they'll be penalised for sail damage

Vendee Globe – a word from the Brits

Mike Golding is due to leave Les Sables d’Olonne tonight, eight days after he had to return to port having dismasted five hours into the Vendee Globe Challenge. He was…

MDL Winter Series (6)

The predicted strong winds faded faster than expected and all classes in the MDL Winter Series enjoyed pleasant moderate conditions for the sixth day of racing.

Skipper tells crew they can’t win

Skipper Neil Murray admits that, with two bad results, his crew can’t win and tells them they must come to terms with that. Crewmember Georgia Williams reports on the aftermath…

Transatlantic cruising fleet gathers

Although it is a full week before the start of the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers next Sunday, over 150 yachts are gathered at Las Palmas. The popularity of this crossing…

Shearwaters at Weston

Despite the end of their travellers trophy series at Grafham, flooding and an appalling weather forecast, six Shearwaters decided to make the trip to Weston Sailing club on November 4-5…

Vendee Globe update

After their second night in solo mode, the fleet of 24 international skippers in the 4th edition of the Vendée Globe has spread out more. A 25 – 35 knot…

Fireball Inlands at Rutland SC

Despite a very hostile weather forecast, with gale warnings issued across the country, 50 Fireballs made the journey to Rutland Water for the class inland championship on November 4-5. As…

Three reefs and a squall

As the skipper tries to get his head down, cue the tropical squall. Manley Hopkinson reports: ‘If these are the Doldrums, we like them! ‘We are now down at 7°…

First glimpse of the South Atlantic

Manley Hopkinson anticipates the Doldrums any minute, but thrills to the pleasure of opening up a new chart ‘Slowly, almost imperceptibly the wind and the sea are changing. The sea…

Paralympic Results

Although not achieving the medal positions they set out for, both of Great Britain's Paralympic Sailing Team representatives - Mike Browne in the 2.4mR class and Andy Cassell, Andrew Millband…