What else could Lord Laidlaw, owner of Highland Fling, have called his yacht?


I wonder if we will be able to look at Irvine Laidlaw’s (now Lord Laidlaw – he’s a big Conservative Party donor) yacht Highland Fling in future without thinking of his self-confessed ‘incurable sex addiction’ and penchant for orgies and high-rolling parties with prostitutes. What on earth can have been going on down below, so to speak?

The name Highland Fling will never sound quite the same again. But I suppose he can be thankful he never gave his boats any of the more luridly suggestive names spotted by readers of this blog last year.

Aaaanyway .Lord Laidlaw’s unusual atonement has been to offer £1 million to help other people who are obsessed with sex. Names on a postcard, please.

This unsavoury exposé comes on top of – I mean follows on from, Lord Laidlaw’s naming and shaming in February by the Lords’ Appointments Commission for failing to give up his tax exile status three years after promising to do so in order to be made a peer.

Incidentally, should you be interested in such things, you can see how Lord Laidlaw has voted in the House of Lords, what he has spoken on (in favour of user taxes, for example) and his attendance record on www.theyworkforyou.com .