Another big carbon Leviathan is being built for next year's spate of solo round the…

What to do if you hit a container. You'd never guess it yourself

Do other readers have photos of their wife they'd like their friends to see on…

After eight and a half days at sea Adele arrived in Rio late last night…

We've had a gale overnight, water in the cockpit and we're down to a staysail…

If he did this all again, what would Jan-Eric Osterlund change aboard Adele? I talked…

I've been remiss in not introducing readers of this blog to exactly who is on…

After a starlit and unfortunately windless night, Saturday dawns with a glassy calm and temperatures…

There are 18 bodies on Adele and 11 loos. Where does 'it' all end up?

Going overboard doesn't bear thinking about but there's a rigorous procedure to follow aboard Adele…

Out of the Roaring Forties into the Thirsty Thirties and a mass of electronic information…

Some photos to prove that life (and work) for Dept Editor does go on aboard…

We've just dropped the pick in 55m in a nasty snowstorm in Godthul, a deep…