Elaine Bunting

ARC 2010

A shortage of tradewinds has meant slow transatlantic times - and lots of motoring

ARC fleet Las Palmas

Headwinds and gale force squalls are setting crews up for a month at sea

General charter boat shot

Beware charter yachts that fall below proper safety standards - they are out there...

JP54 boat test video

Video showing our test in Nice of this novel canting-keeled fast cruiser with rotating interior – the brain child of Vendee Globe sailor Jean-Pierre Dick

Lister Metcalfe

This Cornwall doctor abandoned his yacht and his run of bad luck hasn't stopped

Suspect pirate boat S of Bali

One year after Paul and Rachel Chandler's capture by pirates the risk zone has spread even wider

Pete Goss

Britain's enduring sailing hero is preparing for his first solo ocean race since the 1996 Vendée

Yellowfin tuna

More fishy tales, but can you possibly beat this 60kg yellowfin tuna?

Hugo Boss downwind

Scorching downwind at 20 knots is like a scene from The Dam Busters. Here's video to prove it