Knox-Johnston lurches his way upwind on final sprint to Velux 5-Oceans Race Leg 2 finish 20/3/07

log date Tuesday 20 March 2007
Position Lat 06 00N Long 048 28W
Miles To Norfolk, USA 2,416 nm
Distance In 24 Hours 254.6 nm
Average Speed In 24 Hours 10.61 knots

We passed 250 miles off the mouth of the Amazon River yesterday morning, so well clear of any Anaconda** attack! We are now abreast of French Guinea.

The wind remained largely northerly, so I could not head Saga Insurance
towards Norfolk, however, if I keep on like this I will make an interesting excursion into the Caribbean Sea, which, I suspect, is a first for this race. Neither could I steer straight for Unai (Basurko), so our distance has increased on that score. We were 1,557 miles from him at 1958 last night with 2,517 miles to go.

We are over on our ear most of the time at the moment, so moving around is a question of handhold to handhold and any form of work is extremely
difficult and slow. I got lurched today when we hit a wave and I landed on my left wrist. It is still not right, it is interesting to see the difference between my left and right forearms because of this problem, my right arm and forearm are noticeably bigger now because I have favoured them whenever there has been heavy work. If I box again I’ll have to be as a Southpaw! (Left-handed boxer that leads with the right hand).

I found an e-mail lurking in the files from Unai to-day wishing me a happy birthday, sent two days ago. A very kind gesture I thought, but typical of him. RKJ

**The Anaconda is considered the biggest snake in the world. These snakes may reach lengths of over 29 feet. They typically feed on large rodents, tapirs, capybaras, deer, peccaries, fish, turtles, birds, sheep, dogs and aquatic reptiles. They have been known to occasionally prey on jaguars and attacks on humans can be confirmed, although this is rare. The Anaconda has a very slow-acting digestive system. After a big meal the Anaconda will rest for several days while digestion occurs. Many Anacondas will not eat again for several weeks or even months, depending on the size of the last meal.