Eleonora's new topmasts

A Yarmouth IOW company demonstrates some amazing express craftsmanship

Clarion of Wight

The 52 classic yachts of all ages and types racing at Cowes are a feast…


What's at the bottom of this intriguingly smart invitation?

Fat Cat of Southwark

Are quirky pets the internet's untapped mega celebrities?


Witness the 1915 vintage 138ft schooner Mariette at full pelt in the Solent


On board the 160ft Herreshoff replica schooner Eleonora at the Westward Cup in the Solent

Round the Island Race 1

Some stunning photography of the JP Morgan Round the Island Race by Thierry Martinez

Will Claxton

Leading skippers in the Shetland RB&I race prepare for a severe gale Force 9


Familiar territory but it feels rather different at 30 knots


The sun is shining in Shetland and Lerwick is looking beautiful - as these photos…