Steve Hayles, navigator aboard Ericsson, with latest from the top end of the VOR fleet

Mike Sanderson and VOR team aboard ABN AMRO have scored 3.5 points for passing first…

Ericsson Jason Carrington reflects on a wild first week

Mike Sanderson and team aboard the Dutch VOR yacht ABN AMRO 1 are nearly 80…

Juan Kouyoumdjian - ABN AMRO 1's designer - believes that from an engineering or scientific…

Sunergy on a mission

Despite trailing the fleet, Campbell Field, navigator aboard VOR yacht Sunergy, is enjoying the magnificant…

Paul Cayard with an update on VOR yacht Pirates of the Caribbean currently in Cascais

ABN AMRO 1 news

Mike Sanderson, skipper aboard ABN AMRO 1 with VOR news from the front of the

The Spanish VOR yacht, movistar reached Portugal yesterday to carry out inspection and repair work…

Team movistar are currently nearing the south Portuguese coast. Here's their latest report

Ericsson navigator Steve Hayles reported that they had stopped the boat in the water and…

Drama on Leg 1

Movistar and Pirates forced to head for Portugal after overnight problems