Aviva becalmed and be-drizzled - at least it washes the salt off

After having such consistent winds, it was obviously too good to be true, to last. We had a great night and now dawn has bought us a high-pressure sandwich. We have a large high pressure travelling north of us towards New Zealand and we also have a small area of high pressure passing to the south of us and I am caught in a void. So from sailing along at 8 knots we are now floundering once more but without the sunshine to enjoy it in.

The drizzle has gone but has left an overcast sky and a dreary grey blue ocean. This floating should not last for too long and we hope to see more favourable winds return towards the middle of the day.

We are now in very poor visibility and rain. Nothing torrential, just persistent and miserable. It has put a real downer on the day. As we pass through this miserable weather the wind should fill in and we will be off again.

The good news with this weather is that Aviva gets to rinse the salt water off for a short while until we plough through some waves again. Rescue Bear is looking a little damp and is still getting used to the idea of some more miles to sail but he’ll come round.

Dee & Aviva