VOR update

Ericsson struggles while, at the other end of the VOR fleet, ABN AMRO One makes…

Steve Hayles with the latest news from Ericsson following last night's big wipeout 27/2/06

ABN AMRO One regains lead from Pirates 27/2/06

Paul Cayard skipper of VOR yacht Pirates of the Caribbean sent this report at 0455…

Mike Sanderson with the latest news from ABN AMRO One on the approach to the…

Fraser Brown chatted to yachtingworld.com about his accident during the closing stages of VOR Leg…

From first to last and back to first. ABN AMRO One's navigator Stan Honey explains…

Mike Sanderson and team on ABN AMRO One concede lead in effort to re-position themselves…

A win for movistar

In the closest ever Volvo Ocean Race or Whitbread finish movistar finishes just nine seconds…