Mike Golding

Britain's best solo sailor and Boat Show poster boy puts out the word out that…

Philip Langsdale

The turnaround of a Cornish boatbuilder is the work of Heathrow's chief of IT

Geoff Holt, Sir Robin Knox-Johnston

Geoff Holt joins a gathering of some of sailing's greatest heroes. The tales they can…

Tins 1

The strange fashion of sending details of new marine products in silver tins

Danish forces with suspect pirates

NATO release an online video highlighting their patrols in the Gulf of Aden


The beautiful scenes of Arctic beauty along the Irish shores are a Christmas treat

Sinking boat art

This sinking boat isn't quite what it seems - take a look at some other…

Boom break

Here's evidence of how rigging a preventer the wrong way can cost you a new…

Moth Worlds

Photo of the Year award for Thierry Martinez's flying sailors image

Power tools

Watching this repair work on the water sent shivers down my spine

ARC aid

Crews are making donations of food and supplies to hurricane-stricken areas of Saint Lucia

ARC 2010

A shortage of tradewinds has meant slow transatlantic times - and lots of motoring

Wing suit soaring

To help you with those moments when you question your sanity offshore

ARC fleet Las Palmas

Headwinds and gale force squalls are setting crews up for a month at sea

General charter boat shot

Beware charter yachts that fall below proper safety standards - they are out there...

Umpiring LVT Dubai

Riding with the umpires in the LV Semi final in Dubai, a revealing experience and…