Team Spirit enjoy a 20kt blast towards St Lucia

Logged on Thursday 2 November at 01.00GMT

Last night started with lovely clear sky and strong winds allowing us to blast towards St Lucia at up to 17 knots.

Hopes were high that we’d finally left the rain and squalls behind but by lunchtime today the sky darkened again and out came the wet weather gear. The only good thing about this squall was that for once the wind was in right direction and we managed to sail direct for St Lucia at 20 knots! Unfortunately after a few hours the winds died and we’re now backing to sailing at around 10 knots.

The two main topics of conversation on board remain when will we arrive and what will we eat. The good money is going on an arrival sometime late Friday or early Saturday morning. As far as food is concerned, this debate looks set to continue for some time and will probably only be sorted once we’re in the bar!