Velux 5-Ocean Race competitor Robin Knox-Johnston takes a battering in big winds 9/2/07

Log date Friday 9 February
Position Lat 50 09S Long 132 58W
Miles to Norfolk, USA 9301 nm
Distance in 24 Hours 265.5 nm
Average Speed In 24 Hours 11.06 knots

A day of strong winds, Force 6-7, and a large south-westerly swell. Another front will come over tonight with 35 kts of wind (Force 8) according to the Kiwi forecast. Saga Insurance gets thrown about a lot in these conditions, which is tiring, and the deck is frequently washed.

Been in oilies all day waiting the moment to reduce sail which will probably come soon, Murphy’s Law says after dark. The dark rain clouds are forming to windward now. Not much else you can do except keep everything running and doze. You can watch the waves for hours, observe their enormous power, marvel at the way the boats rides them, but wish they were a bit smaller and the wind a tad lighter.