Take a look at some of these video clips of C Class cats and their solid wing sails

During the research for our major feature on the past, present and future for solid wing sails to be published in the June 2010 issue of the mag, (on sale 13 May), I came across enough video clips and archive material to see my daily word output plummet.

This class is fascinating and the fact that there is no real central reference source makes it all the more alluring if you like trawling through the archives.

The C Class may be a small fleet that meets sporadically, but the effort that’s gone into developing solid wings sails, the experience of the key players and the performance that boats are now achieving is truly remarkable. The background and history goes way deeper than I had expected and many of the players that have been involved over many decades ago are still at it and hired by some of the latest big guns.

Had it not have been for the 33rd America’s Cup, much of this work would still be carried out but under the radar. But now, I suspect there will be a keen interest in wings.

Here are a few home videos that give an idea of what’s going on behind the scenes to whet your appetite for the June issue.

CLICK HERE for a day in the life of Alpha and her wing

Alpha – Fred Eaton’s 2007 winning C Class catMore wings plus, what happens when it goes pear shaped

Team Invictus – This year’s British challenge is led by Norman Wijker. Speed record holder Paul Larsen is also part of the team and looking at the wing with a keen interest with the next chapter of Sailrocket’s assault on the world sailing speed record in mind.


Team Invictus
Greenbird Ice Record campaign
Greenbird Land Speed record Holder