Compliments from readers for the Vendée Globe's English-speaking reporter

More herograms for Andi Robertson and his Vendee Globe reports.

Phillippe Ollier emails to say: ‘Thanks to talk about Andi. I would like to thank him very much. It was a pleasure to listen to him during daily vacations [live website interviews]. He spoke very clearly and he asked some very good questions.

‘He also every time asked the French reporters to translate in English what French sailor told but the French reporters didn’t do the same and it was very frustrating, because it was difficult to understand the English-language sailors.’

Another email compliments Andi’s language skills and ability to do all those interviews in French.

Hoots, mon! That was Pierre-Louis Castelli. Andi’s good but he wouldn’t pass for a native in France. And although oor Scots lad had a Stakhanovite output – jings, crivvens an’ help ma boab, he isnae superhuman!